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摘要:煉油廠將包裝車間的廢料、廚房的動物脂肪以及牲畜的肥肉或網油煎熬成工業脂肪和油類(如做肥皂用的牛脂)和各種其他產品(如肥料)的工廠以及精煉或純化石油的工廠的統稱。 Aspen RefSYS is a multi-unit simulation and optimization modeling application that helps r..



Aspen RefSYS is a multi-unit simulation and optimization modeling application that helps refiners improve operational decision making and achieve a more accurate view of the overall potential for refinery profitability. By building multi-unit refinery models in a single flowsheet, refiners can understand the complex interactions among multiple refinery units.

(一)Best-in-Class First-Principle Refinery Reactor Models

     Aspen RefSYS combines AspenTech's industry-proven Aspen HYSYS? process simulation flowsheet technology with best-in-class firstprinciple refinery reactor models, including AspenTech's FCC, reformer, hydrocracker and hydrotreater reactor models. These reactor models can be used to support flowsheet simulation, case study analysis and optimization. Each reactor model can also be run in a standalone mode with a simple flowsheet, or run inside an expanded flowsheet that contains upstream and downstream units.

     The reactor models available with Aspen RefSYS feature rigorous kinetics and utilize AspenTech's unique "Equation Oriented" technology,which allows rapid and accurate solution of recycle streams. The open architecture on which Aspen RefSYS is built also enables the integration of third-party reactor models.

(二)Benefits of Integrated Multi-Unit Refinery Models

     Refining companies will be able to use integrated refinery models to eva luate potential operating strategies quickly and accurately, support better planning decisions to optimize operational performance and improve overall plant reliability and safety. Other benefits include:

  • Understanding unit interdependencies.Refiners can eva luate the impact of changes in unit operations, find the "best" set of operating conditions and quickly assess the change in value of final products. These capabilities lead to reductions in the gap between actions and plans, enabling changes to happen at the refinery level and ultimately providing confident identification of the most profitable crude purchasing and refinery operating strategy.
  • Generating accurate LP models. Aspen RefSYS helps refinery planners to generate process unit sub-models and incorporate crude assays that can be applied within the refinery planning LP model,and is easily integrated with AspenTech's Aspen PIMS? petroleum industry planning application. They can also use the rigorous  modeling capabilities of Aspen RefSYS to quickly test and update their planning & scheduling models in order to make operating decisions based on more accurate economic information.
  • Understanding the "true operating window". Models with higher accuracy allow refiners to identify the true process constraints and reduce operational bottlenecks, and lets them manage the impact of unplanned events and quickly respond to operational upsets. Utilization of accurate models ensures decision making consistency across multiple groups in the refinery.

  • 11.gifPlanning for new regulations/operations. Aspen RefSYS enables refiners to maximize the efficiency of existing equipment and assess its potential. Refiners are able to quickly eva luate numerous configurations and process schemes when planning for new regulations and operating plan changes.
  • Maximizing investment through integration with other AspenTech solutions. Aspen RefSYS is tightlyintegrated with other AspenTech applications, giving refiners greater decision making capabilities and maximizing the value of their investments in other AspenTech offerings. Value is especially significant for Aspen HYSYS customers, who can now use their existing Aspen HYSYS models in Aspen RefSYS.


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